Thursday, May 28, 2015


Alexis and Amelia both love to climb. They also seem to be... abnormally strong. They climb up onto everything. Into everything. No box or bin is safe. They even both love to climb into the big box of megablocks, which I just can't seem to understand. It CAN'T be comfortable sitting on those pointy blocks, but they don't seem to mind. Now that they are both walking (yay!), the climbing is out of control - they climb onto everything! Check it out:

Climbing into things:

[Climbing into bins even when the bins are already occupied]

Climbing on top of things:

Video proof in case you were wondering how they climb up on that table (trying to capture her saying "ball," captured the perfect climb instead):

Climbing onto diaper box, rather unsuccessfully:

Friday, May 8, 2015


Alexis and Amelia love to clap. They like to clap when people do things they like, when they see people they love, and when they do something they are proud of (like walking!).  Obviously, it's adorable.  They also like to clap objects together. The louder the sound, the better (the best sound is the sound of mom's iPhone hitting the tile floor).

When Nanna (grandma) brought them a new wooden puzzle with little handles on each piece Alexis and Amelia were in HEAVEN. Handles for better clapping! We went to visit Aunt Lisa's new house, and had quite the orchestra going on:

Here's Amelia showing off her clapping skills a few months ago:


Last night (err, this morning) at 4:50am, Alexis decided to impress me with her clapping skills. After nursing and tricking me into thinking she was asleep, I gently started moving her and she instantly opened her eyes, smiled, and started clapping. Super adorable, but really not a good sign that she'll ever go back to sleep. Sigh. It's a good thing they are so darn cute!