Thursday, March 6, 2014

Alexis graduates to PICN!

Yesterday Alexis was transferred from the NICU to the intermediate care nursery, PICN. It's a level 2 nursery, whereas the NICU is a level 3.

On the one hand, this is super awesome news, because it means Alexis doesn't need as much care and us generally doing really well. So hurray for that. In the other hand, it sucks because Amelia is a little behind so she doesn't get to go with her sister. Now they are split up, which is super lane for mom and dad. I now spend my days going back and forth, trying to split my time evenly between the two (don't want to okay favorites!). One big perk of the PICN is that I can pump at Alexis's bedside. Since I'm supposed to pump 10 times a day (Ahhhh!), this is pretty huge. It means I can pump AND stare at my adorable child. I guess that's probably what breast feeding is like.

In any event, we are hoping Melia us only a few days behind her sister. The biggest obstacle for Amelia is that she needs to decrease her oxygen flow pressure. Currently she is at 1 liter of flow (she has been as high as 3 or 4), and she needs to be at less than .5 before she can move. So close. C'mon Amelia, where's your sense if competition?!


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