Sunday, August 28, 2016


On Tuesday Alexis and Amelia went to their first day of preschool. They were very excited, as you can see! They especially loved their new lunch boxes and wouldn't even put them down in the car.

 Standing waiting for doors to open:

 Playing with trains! Preschool is fun!

 Showing Penny the preschool toys:

 Unfortunately, the girls did NOT like it once mom and Penny (their beloved nanny) left. Amelia was very very sad, and therefore Alexis was very sad. I know this, because Amelia keeps telling me, "Amelia sad. Amelia cry at preschool." And because everyone told us.

So Penny and I came back early and played with them for a few hours, which they enjoyed. When I got there, they both kept saying "mommy came back! Mommy came back! Pick me up at preschool!" Which is heartbreaking, because they apparently thought I might not come back? Poor kids.

On Thursday, Penny stayed with them during the day. It went much better, but Amelia was still a bit sad. Apparently kinda traumatized from us leaving her there. Doh!

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