Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Alexis comes home

A few days before Easter, Alexis got her feeding tube out. So much cuter without that thing on her face! We were obviously super excited, although we were warned that if she doesn't gain weight they might have to stick it back in.  I had been grilling the doctors and nurses about when we might expect to come home, and it seemed like it was going to happen the following week if she behaved herself (although the doctor was still saying we should expect them to come home 1-2 weeks before their due date, which would be way way later…).

Then on Easter Sunday, Boris and I were on our way from Pleasanton to the hospital so that we could see the babies for a few minutes before heading over to Easter brunch with my family.  I got a call from a number I didn't recognize, and it was the weekend nurse at Stanford. The conversation went a little like this:

Nurse: Hi! Alexis is ready to come home!
Me: Cool, really? When?
Nurse: How soon can you get here?
Me: What? You mean today?
Nurse: Yes. Come get her. Now.
Me: What?! But we haven't even done the carseat test yet!
Nurse: Oh, yea. Bring the carseat, we'll do it right before she leaves.
Me: But we didn't even bring the carseat! And it's Easter! And we are already in Palo Alto and we live an hour away! Ack - we aren't ready! 
NP: Hmm. I guess you could pick her up tomorrow.
Me: Okay. Holy shit. Omg.

So we took her home the next day. It was super scary. I sat in the back with her and stared at her the whole way home. Needless to say she never stopped breathing.  Turns out she really likes the car actually (THANK GOD). 

Carseat test right before we left (just to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid when she's sitting at that angle, etc.)

Leaving the hospital. No wires!



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