Monday, May 26, 2014

How to tell the twins apart

People always ask us how we tell the girls apart. For the most part, we can easily tell them apart. Amelia is a little smaller, Alexis has a little spot on her eye, Amelia has some distinguishing baby acne, and their hair patterns are a little different.  Plus sometimes they just "look" different, for reasons I haven't really figured out.  But what all of these things have in common is that they are not reliable! Amelia isn't THAT much smaller than Alexis, and both are growing every day. Amelia could catch up any day, and sometimes she might just look fatter. The spot on Alexis's eye (which is from an eye exam) will heal. Amelia's baby acne is already almost gone. In the end, sometimes it's just hard to tell them apart.  We always intended to have them fingerprinted at the hospital, but their birth was not exactly what we planned, so that never happened.

Instead, we have their toenails painted. Just as a backup. If you really aren't sure which baby is which (something that definitely happens at about 2am when you aren't wearing your contact lenses), you can always check the feet. Amelia is pink, Alexis is green.

Amelia's pedicure:

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