Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mikayla meets the twins

Most people that know me know how much I love my little niece Mikayla. If it's possible, I love her as much as my own little ones.  She is so adorable! As much as I love her, Mikayla loves babies. She has for as long as I can remember. That was actually one of her first recognizable words - "beebee!" She has about a million baby dolls and she takes really good care of them.  When I was pregnant, my sister Laura explained to Mikayla that I had babies in my belly. Mikayla calls me "T" (she couldn't pronounce Christina or even Tina, so we settled on T and it stuck). For months, every time I saw Mikayla, she would scream "T! Babies!" and pull up my shirt to point at my belly button.

When the twins were born, we tried to explain that the babies weren't in T's belly anymore, but she wasn't quite getting it and still tried to find them in my belly.  I knew that once she saw the babies she would get it, but the NICU doesn't allow children inside unless they are siblings.  One day though, we brought the babies out to Mikayla in the family room for a proper meeting. She was starstruck and didn't say much.

When we got home, Mikayla was obsessed with holding the babies. She would point at the babies and say "T's babies! Hold!" and then make a rocking motion with her arms. When we finally let her hold Alexis, she was in heaven!

Here's the video and some photos of Mikayla's first time holding baby Alexis:


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