Monday, May 26, 2014


2/20/14: Babies are born! Alexis weighs 2 pounds 4 ounces, Amelia weighs 2 pounds 3 ounces.
2/23/14: Amelia moves from CPAP to nasal cannula
3/2/14: Alexis's IV is removed
3/2/14: Alexis moves from CPAP to nasal cannula
3/3/14: Amelia's IV is removed
3/4/14: Twins meet for the first time when mom gets to hold them both together
3/5/14: Alexis graduates to intermediate care nursery
3/9/14: Amelia moves to intermediate care nursery
3/11/14: Alexis's oxygen is removed
3/17/14: Alexis weighs 3 pounds
3/19/14: Amelia weighs 3 pounds
3/20/14: Amelia's oxygen is removed
3/23/14: Alexis moves out of isolette into open crib
3/24/14: Amelia moves out of isolate into open crib
3/30/14: Both babies weigh 4 pounds
4/8/14: Both babies weaned off caffeine and prolacta (calorie supplement). Both are eating plain breast milk now.
4/10/14: Alexis weighs 5 pounds
4/13/14: Amelia weighs 5 pounds
4/19/14: Alexis's feeding tube is removed
4/21/14: Alexis comes home!
4/25/14: Amelia's feeding tube is removed
4/29/14: Alexis weighs 6 pounds
5/2/14: Amelia weighs 6 pounds
5/2/14: Amelia comes home!

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