Wednesday, January 1, 2014

8 weeks - Mono-Di Twins

At the 6-week doctor's appointment, I was told to come back in two weeks. After that first appointment I started doing research into twins (I remembered that the doc said identical twins, but that was about it), and thoroughly freaked myself out. Turns out identical twins have all sorts of crazy risks. Since I wasn't paying much attention and didn't understand the doctor at the first appointment, I didn't know a lot of the information that I needed to know to gauge just how freaked out I should be.  Do they share a placenta? Do they have their own amniotic sac? Are they conjoined???? Lot's of scary things.

At the 8-week appointment I got another ultrasound and the doctor confirmed that we were expecting Mono-Di twins (monochorionic, diamniotic). That basically just means they share a placenta, but thankfully have their own amniotic sac.  Mono-mono twins that share the same amniotic sac only survive about 50% of the time, and even then they have lots of problems, so we were very pleased to hear that they had their own sac! Turns out the doctor had been concerned at the 6 week appointment because he couldn't see the membrane that you should see in between, but he didn't tell me he was worried until there was nothing to worry about.

Long story short, doctor says mono-di isn't the worst-case scenario, but is still a high-risk pregnancy and is much riskier than the typical di-di (fraternal) twin pregnancy, so I would have to be closely monitored throughout the pregnancy. The plus side is that I get ultrasounds every two weeks so I get to see the babies all the time. Pretty cool perk!

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